
Village Clubhouse is a program for adults with mental illness based on the Clubhouse Model of Rehabilitation. We strive to improve the quality of life for Clubhouse members by providing employment, education, wellness, and social opportunities.
The Clubhouse provides a place where self-confidence and hope for the future can be regained. Membership leads to continued growth, increased self esteem, and a sense of empowerment. Members of High Hopes Clubhouse have 4 guaranteed rights.
*A guaranteed right to a place to come
*A guaranteed right to meaningful work.
*A guaranteed right to meaningful relationships.
*A guaranteed right to a place to return.
How do I become a member?
Any person eligible for community support services for a major mental illness can become a member. There is no charge to become a member, and our funding includes: Mainecare, Vocational Rehabilitation, and private donations. Orientations to the Clubhouse Model will be provided to new members.
What If I Am Not Ready To Work In The Community?
That's okay! You won't be put out into the workplace until you are fully ready. The Clubhouse is ultimately a place where you can meet new people, and a place where you can feel welcomed, accepted and productive.